Inggris Lakukan Kerjasama Pertukaran Teknologi Mineral

Indonesia - Inggris Lakukan Kerjasama Pertukaran Teknologi Mineral
Ilustrasi tambang mineral(MI / Yusuf)

The Indonesian government and the British government have agreed on strategic cooperation in the field of critical minerals. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Bahlil Lahadalia and British Minister for Development Anneliese Dodds representing the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth and Development, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of Strategic Partnership in the Field of Critical Minerals in a series of events for The 10th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition (IIGCE) 2024 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Wednesday (18/9).

Bahlil said that in this MoU, Indonesia and the UK agreed to an agreement to facilitate the sharing of technical knowledge, advice, skills and expertise on sustainable critical minerals, as well as to reduce potential environmental and social risks associated with mining activities.

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“The substance of this agreement is that we will exchange technology for cooperation in the mineral sector. This is a follow-up to what has been the agreement between the two countries so far,” he explained.

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The MoU between the Indonesian and British governments has areas of cooperation including mineral resources, geology, mining, processing, manufacturing, recycling, modern mining technology, post-mining, and environmental rehabilitation.

Dodds added that this MoU is important for the already strong working relationship between the two countries, and is renewed through this collaboration.

“We have completed this MoU, and can together ensure the potential for green growth, employment potential, and positive potential for the local community,” he added.

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Dodds also said that the MoU creates a framework for cooperation between the UK and Indonesia on critical minerals. The MoU supports a range of issues, shared commitments, investment, job creation, and to ensure benefits for the community.

Previously, the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) successfully identified the distribution of 47 critical and strategic mineral commodities in 2023. Among the critical and strategic minerals investigated by the Geological Agency are lithium and boron. (Z-8)

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