– Bro sekalian, Via sebuah status di akun media sosialnya Rider SS600 ARRC asal Australia dari team Akeno racing Anthony West secara Formal meminta Ampun kepada ARRC, Yamaha Thailand dan Sekalian fihak terutama kepada orang orang yang membaca statusnya di media sosial Ketika pertama kali dinyatakan Didiskualifikasi dari dua race 1 dan Race 2 SS600 Seri 2 ARRC Thailand 2017 . .
West pertama Kali mengucapkan terimakasih atas dukungan Sekalian orang di kejuaraan SS600ARRC Thailand 2017 dimana sayangnya diluar kendali west hasilnya adalah mendiskualifikasi dirinya dari hasil Race. Lewat West Juga mengucapkan eprmintaan Maafnya kepada ARRC karena pada status sebelumnya telah menjudge ARRC sebagai organisasi yang Korup . . . West mengakui bahwa kejadian dimana dirinya lepas kendali dikarenakan rasa Kecewa dirinya yang mamanas kala itu
West Juga meminta Ampun kepada Yamaha Thailand karena menyebut mereka terlibat dalam Kasus ini Plus juga West Juga mengklarifikasi bahwa Rupanya teamnya ( Akeno racing ) Bukan memperlihatkan Camshaft kepada panitia Scruitenerring dan ini sama seperti yang pernah di rilis Oleh ARRC dalam Press release sebelumnya dimana West dan teamnya Bukan pernah membuka satu bautpun Ketika itu . . Berikut ini adalah isi status dari west
When things get heated ???? Firstly I’d like to thank everyone for their support after the last round of the ARRC championships in Thailand where unfortunately due to circumstances beyond my personal control I was excluded from the results. It’s been overwhelming to see so much support for me and makes me proud to be a racer. As you could imagine when I learnt of my disqualification I was extremely disappointed to say the least as I’d just won one of the most exciting races seen
in the series in years.
I would like to apologize to the ARRC
and the organisers for calling it a corrupt championship, as a man I don’t ever like to accuse anyone of anything and I vented my frustration in the heat of the moment which as a professional racer I know I should know better not to. As
It’s been bought to my attention that our team did not remove camshafts and I was misinformed. I would also like to apologize to Thai Yamaha stating that they played a part in my disqualification which has now been shown to me was not the case.
Whenever you have competition you will have conflict, I’d like the team and the ARRC to sit down and resolve their differences. I’m here to race bikes and win and that’s all I want to focus on. I realize I am a role model to a lot of young fans out there and I do not want to send them the wrong message. I like to help out the kids as much as possible and being a good role model is another way to do this. I am sure that we can all learn from this for the future and move forward and improve on this so there is no repeats. Thanks again for all your support and see you at the next round.